Friday 29 March 2013



One of the things they have tried to do to make The Smoker’s Angel website stand out from the rest is an interview with the experts series.

Optional Extras: Batteries, Chargers & MoreIt started off quite by accident, when researcher Paul Bergen left a comment on our blog. I then requested an interview, which he agreed too. After a couple more interviews, we had built up a reputation, and it suddenly became easy to persuade researchers to agree to interviews!

Here are some of the key quotes – click on the links to read more!

Expert Opinions

“If there is anyone who believes cigarettes are no more hazardous than e-cigarettes I’d recommend a remedial course in basic sciences.”

David Sweanor, Former Advisor to the WHO on tobacco control

“The health benefits of switching are almost exactly the same as the health benefits of quitting.”

Proffessor Carl Phillips

“Inhaling nicotine cannot be nearly as dangerous as inhaling nicotine plus thousands of other chemicals, including more than 40 carcinogens.”

Proffessor Michael Siegel

“…we have every reason to believe that the hazard posed by e-cigarettes would be much lower than one percent, probably lower than one tenth of one percent of the hazard posed by regular cigarettes.”

Dr Joel Nitzkin, Chair of the Tobacco Control Task Force for the American Association of Public Health Physicians.

If you would like to read all our interviews (Warning: there are a lot of them!) click here.

You can also watch and listen to an extract with our interview with Professor Carl Phillips on YouTube here.

We are always being told that smoking causes one in two of users die – many from the agonising and devastating disease of lung cancer. These experts believe that the e-cigarette, while not completely safe, is vastly more healthy than smoking tobacco.

That’s all for now. I do hope you enjoy reading!

All the best

The Smoker’s Angel


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